Sell to us.

Interested in selling or donating your used books and records?

We buy used books and vinyl records in all subjects and genres throughout the year, and we always appreciate donations. Please see below for our buying process and answers to common questions.

Please note: We cannot always accommodate walk-in sales or donations, so we ask that you email us and follow the process below, or call ahead if you do not use email.

If you have a large quantity (more than a box or two), or you have something rare, signed, or unusual, you must email or call before coming in so we can properly assess your item or collection.

While we are always willing to look at your books or records, we can’t guarantee we will be interested in purchasing them or accepting your donation. What we buy and how much we can pay is dependent on our current stock, inventory needs, customer demand, and the condition of your collection, and it is subject to change at any time.

How to Sell to Us

  • Send us an email with your name, contact information, a brief description of the items or collection (including approximate quantity), and whether you are interested in selling or donating.

  • If you have a large collection and are interested in setting up a house call, please include your location.

  • If you need to sell or donate by a particular date (i.e., you are moving), please let us know.

  • Please include photos of the collection. Books can be on shelves or spine-up in boxes. We find that photos, rather than a list, are a quicker, easier, and more informative way to get a good overview of a collection’s condition and subject matter. Please be sure photos are well-lit and in focus, and large enough that we can zoom in to read titles.

  • If you have anything you think is of particular interest or value, please include clear photos of the exterior of the item, its title and copyright pages, and any condition issues.

  • If you have LPs, please send us a video flipping through your collection so we can see artist/title and the general condition. It may be easier to send us a video via Instagram due to file size.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What don’t you buy? We only buy what we can sell. So, we cannot buy books that are falling apart, moldy/smelly, excessively marked up, missing pages, missing covers, etc. Ask yourself, would I buy this book in this condition? If not, we probably won’t either. We also don’t buy Reader’s Digest condensed books, encyclopedias less than 100 years old, most textbooks, and most uniform sets of books, unless of exceptional quality or interest. There may also be certain subject areas we are not buying in due to overstock or lack of interest. These are subject to change at any time.

  • I want to donate my books/LPs. Can’t you just take all of them? While we always appreciate donations, even with free-to-us items, we can only accept what we can sell. Disposing of damaged books and LPs incurs costs for us, and holding onto otherwise unsellable items takes up our valuable shelf space. And either way, dealing with unwanted items takes time and energy from our tiny, family-run business.

  • My books are very old, so they must be first editions and very valuable, right? Not necessarily! Just because a book is old does not mean it is a first edition. And just because it’s very old, that doesn’t mean it’s valuable. Value is dependent on many factors, like scarcity, condition, desirability in the market, and many more subjective factors. We are happy to take a look and give you a better idea of what you actually have.

  • How do you know what they’re worth? I saw this same book on eBay and it was priced really high! There are so many factors that determine the relative value of a book, and the online marketplace is usually not the most reliable source to determine absolute value. Online listings are not always clear on the edition of a book, and condition can be highly subjective. Online sellers may not be experienced in the book market and can assign somewhat arbitrary pricing to books—sometimes very low and sometimes far too high. We rely on research and experience to price our inventory as fairly as we can.